
What should we be eating when we’re on the road and eating at restaurants during tournaments to keep hockey nutrition top of mind?

Ideally, planning ahead and packing food for a tournament is the best way to go. Just as you would plan and pack clothes and hockey gear, nutrition should be given the same consideration.

Here are some meal and snack ideas that are portable and easy to have on hand when traveling.

Quick & on-the-go breakfast ideas:

  • Packet of instant oatmeal (can be made in hotel room with hot water) + banana + (optional if you have fridge) – container of Greek yogurt
  • 1 bagel with peanut butter, small carton of flavoured soy milk (doesn’t need to be refrigerated)
  • 2 homemade energy bites or homemade muffin + banana

Portable Energizing Snacks:

  • Homemade trail mix (eg mixture of plain cereal, peanuts, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, dried fruit)
  • Fruit & cut up raw vegetables
  • Mini can of flavoured tuna + crackers
  • Pita with peanut butter or almond butter or hummus (can buy individual portions)
  • Banana + bagel with peanut butter
  • Granola bar (check label to make sure it contains more than 5 grams protein) + piece of fruit + raw nuts

The reality however, is that you will likely find yourself eating out if you’re traveling for tournaments and games. Healthier choices can still be found if that’s the case. This is what to look for when it comes to hockey nutrition:

Eating out at weekend tournaments can be tricky for hockey players. Do you know what to look for?

  • If eating prior to a game, or if fueling up the night before an early morning game – focus on higher carb choices with a portion of protein, and stay away from high fat foods as they will delay those energy-providing carbs from getting into your system quickly.
  • Try keeping your plate balanced with 1/3 of your plate focused on carbohydrate rich foods (such as pasta, rice, bread, or potatoes), 1/3 of your plate as lean protein (such as chicken, fish, turkey, tofu, or eggs), and 1/3 of your plate as vegetables and/or fruit.
  • Some examples of healthier options when eating out during tournaments or before games include:
    • Bagel + peanut butter + skim milk
    • Yogurt and berries parfait
    • Poached or scrambled eggs with toast, tomatoes, fruit, skim milk or orange juice
    • Oatmeal with fruit, carton of skim milk
    • Sandwich or wrap – choose leaner meats like (un-breaded) chicken or turkey, and ask for creamy sauces on the side or skip altogether (eg mayo, ranch, Caesar)
    • Pasta with a tomato sauce & side salad (skip the butter-laden garlic bread, and avoid any creamy sauces)
    • Chicken & veggie stir fry with rice
    • Plain burger, baked potato (skip the sour cream), side salad, carton of skim milk or fruit juice


Keeping energy levels up on and off the ice does take some planning and preparation, but is well worth the effort! Using nutrition as another training tool in your toolbox will help you out-skate your opponents, become stronger, healthier, and recover faster, so that you can play your best game each time you’re on the ice.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]