Desert Cup 2024


What is the Desert Cup Showcase?

The Desert Cup Showcase is not just a hockey tournament; it’s a meticulously designed platform aimed at propelling your hockey career to new heights. It provides a high-tempo elite tournament experience, allowing participants to demonstrate their skills in front of influential scouts and coaches from major hockey leagues across North America

What is the overarching goal of the showcase?

The primary goal is to provide a golden opportunity for participants to shine and make a lasting impression on influential scouts and coaches. This showcase is a unique chance to be noticed and potentially advance your hockey career.

Why is it crucial to submit the application swiftly?

The competitive nature of the application process highlights the high calibre of talent the showcase attracts. To secure your spot in this prestigious event, it’s imperative to act swiftly and submit your application as soon as possible.

Do I have to pay all at once?

We offer a deposit with two additional payments or payment in full.

Do I get to choose the team I want to play on?

Desert Cup makes every effort to place you on the team you choose.  Please note we do assess every player’s abilities in hopes of keeping the play as evenly competitive as possible.

Where can I find information about the event schedule and details?

This website ( is your primary source for all things related to the Desert Cup Showcase. It provides information about the event, its schedule, and how to ensure your participation.

How do I contact the organizers if I have questions or need assistance?

If you have any questions, require assistance, or need clarification on any aspect of the showcase, don’t hesitate to reach out to the dedicated team at They are ready to assist you with any inquiries or concerns

Is the Desert Cup Showcase only for professional-level players?

While the showcase is designed for elite players, it’s open to participants of varying skill levels. The competitive nature of the event ensures a high-quality experience for all participants.

How are participants selected for the showcase?

Participants are selected through a competitive application process. The showcase attracts top-tier talent, and those who submit their applications early increase their chances of securing a spot.

What sets the Desert Cup Showcase apart from other hockey tournaments?

The showcase stands out due to its meticulously designed platform, high-tempo elite experience, and the presence of influential scouts and coaches. It provides a unique opportunity for participants to showcase their skills in a highly competitive environment.

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